Re-Accredited with Grade "A" by NAAC
Affiliated with the University of Calcutta

Seminar / Conference

Seminar organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

⇒ Report of the Seminar/Conferences conducted by our institutuin of last 5 Years (June, 2023 to July 2018)

⇒ Report of the Seminar/Conferences conducted by our institutuin of last 5 Years

Seminar on “Diabetes and Stress Management” and Workshop on Health Parameter Check up

On the same day a workshop was held on Health Parameter Check Up. Dr. Mary D’Cruz and her team conducted the workshop. Health parameters like blood sugar, blood pressure, BMI, ECG were tested. A large number of teaching and non- teaching staff and some students availed the facilities. Health report cards were issued to all participants. Doctor gave advice and medical prescriptions to the participants. The event was fruitful in raising health awareness among the staff and students of the college.

International Webinar on “COVID 19:  Emerging Challenges and Capacity Building” 

Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Bangabasi Morning College organised an International Webinar on “COVID 19:  Emerging Challenges and Capacity Building” on 26-27 June, 2020. COVID 19 is not only a major public health crisis, but a crisis that has touched almost all sectors, starting from education to industries, agriculture to transport, from real estate to tourism and as a result we are facing so many challenges. The pandemic has forced all educational institutions in our country and in many others, across the world to suspend physical classrooms and adopt online classes. Information and communications technology, ICT, that used to play a supportive and complementary role in the teaching-learning process before the pandemic, has to play an obligatory role now. But there are so many issues associated with online teaching –learning, including availability of infrastructure, accessibility to digital devices, networking and of course there is the question of data security. At the other end, due to prolonged lockdown millions of people have lost their jobs and salaries were deducted for many others. So, there is a huge economic injury imposed upon the entire society. At personal levels in order to maintain social distancing people are trying to train ourselves to live in solitude. But man as a social animal, needs each other. People are suffering from anxiety, depression and distress as a consequence. So, at this point of time it is needed to seriously and carefully manage the stress that is building up with the spread of the pandemic.

In the two days of the Webinar all these issues have been discussed by eminent speakers. On the first day Professor Amlan Chakrabarti, Professor and Director, A.K. Choudhury School of I.T., University of Calcutta, discussed on “Data Privacy and Security in the Online Era”. Mrs. Piyan Datta, Mathematics Specialist Teacher, Berkshire, U.K., and Former Teacher of International Department of Rygaards School, Copenhagen, Denmark, gave a brief talk on Challenges Faced in Educational Institutions in COVID 19 Situation. The last talk on the first day of the webinar was delivered by Dr. Surajit Das, Assistant Professor of Centre for Economic Studies and Planning

School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India, on “COVID-19: Lockdown and its Economic Impact”. The second day’s session opened with a discussion on “COVID 19 Scenario in West Bengal” by Dr. Subham Bhattacharya, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Haematology, NRS Medical College, Kolkata. The last talk was delivered on “Stress Management in COVID 19 Situation” by Prof. Pritha Mukhopadhyay, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Calcutta and Coordinator, CPEPA, UGC, CU. The webinar ended with a positive note that man has to survive, adapt, and thrive well in the new normal mid covid and post covid situation.

Virtual Cultural Meet  ‘বহে নিরন্তর অনন্ত আনন্দ ধারা ’ …..  towards eternal positivity

 A Cultural Meet was organized by I.Q.A.C., Bangabasi Morning College, through google meet on 29th June, 2021 from 6.30 p.m. It was intended to be a virtual reunion of all teachers and non-teaching staff of the college in the midst of the pandemic. It had been more than a year of the lock-down imposed upon all educational institutions.  Teachers have gone through a paradigm shift of teaching mode from offline to online, from class rooms to the laptop screens, from chalk and talk to video conferences. To cope up with the new system had been a challenge and to remain isolated from the community, another. In this situation, I.Q.A.C. felt it necessary to bring all staff of the college together, in a joyous atmosphere, though created virtually. As chief patron, Principal Dr. Amitava Dutta, inaugurated the event by his welcome address.

It is an established fact that music has a therapeutic value. The evening brought a relaxing and calming atmosphere by the songs and poems delivered on the event. Celebrity artiste, Dr. Payel Kar, Smt. Sushmita Dutta and Dr. Suman Bhattacharyya, presented Rabindra Sangeet and light music that had a long-lasting soothing effect on the listeners. Teachers from the institution, Dr. Atreyee Basu, Prof. Ajeya Sarkar, Prof. Anindya Sen, Dr. Malabika Bhowmick and Dr. Paramita Chatterjee enchanted everyone by their charming performances. The endeavour as a Stress Relief Initiative during the pandemic was highly appreciated by all.  


In the digital era when everything is conducted online, it became an essential job of I.Q.A.C. to conduct a workshop on computer applications that are useful tools in teaching-learning activities. A State Level Online Workshop on Reviewing Computer Application in Education Sector was organized on 28th   September, 2021. Teachers of the institution actively participated in the workshop. Mr. Pritimoy Sanyal, Head, Technology Cell, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal, conducted the workshop. Storage and processing of data, use of audio-visual aids in teaching, easy and safe communication, use of the internet, were among the various issued addressed by Mr. Sanyal. At the end of the workshop it was felt that many more such workshops are needed so that teachers can use new technologies more effectively and efficiently and the journey through online mode of teaching can be smooth and fruitful.

National Webinar on MANGROVES: The Coastal Guard 

In the recent past people have experienced a very severe cyclonic storm Yaas, and many others before that, specially in the last decade: the devastating Amphan, Fani, Bulbul, Aila have caused widespread damage in eastern India, specially in West Bengal and neighbouring state Orissa. Tropical cyclones can have tremendous impact on life and economy of the coastal region. India is gifted with a long span of coastline that extends over 7516 kilometres. It has been seen that Embankments, even concrete embankments, are not enough to protect man and environment from the devastations of the cyclonic storm surges and storm tides. Evacuation can save life, only temporarily. Donations and relief to the cyclone hit people can sustain them for a very short period of time. But that is definitely not the solution. It is high time that a permanent and sustainable solution has to be found out. And so, I.Q.A.C., Bangabasi Morning College, felt the urge to discuss, to develop consciousness about the mangroves that are indeed the green guards of the coastal region. But in many parts of the world various anthropogenic activities have damaged this highly sensitive and much needed ecosystem and in turn, man has become the worst and the ultimate sufferer. These issues were discussed by eminent speakers in the webinar, Dr. R. N. Mandal, Principal Scientist, Regional Research Centre, ICAR-CIFA, Rahara; and Dr. Anirban Roy, West Bengal Biodiversity Board, Department of Environment, Government of West Bengal. It became evident that in near future successful restoration and proper management of the mangroves will protect and preserve the coastal areas from the devastating impacts of natural disasters like cyclone and tsunami.

Seminar on “Childhood of Universe

As part of a fascinating endeavour to explore the origins of and unveil the mystery of the universe, a seminar was organized by I.Q.A.C., Bangabasi Morning College on 20th December, 2017. The title of the seminar was “Childhood of Universe”. The eminent and distinguished scientist, Professor Palash Baran Pal delivered his talk on this topic in a lucid manner. The deliberation by Professor Pal on the mystery of universe was so interesting and attractive to the audience comprising of teachers, non-teaching staff and students that they practically absorbed the lecture with great attention. As an academician Professor Pal is well-known in our country as well as abroad. In this seminar he emerged again as the champion speaker. After the seminar talk the audience could visualize the process of an expanding universe. On closing his talk Professor Pal spent quality time responding patiently to the queries of the audience, mostly students.

The seminar was inaugurated by Prof. Shipra Halder, Teacher-in-Charge, Bangabasi Morning College with her brief speech. Dr. Mukul Kumar Mitra, Co-ordinator, I.Q.A.C., Bangabasi Morning College gave an introductory speech on the topic of the seminar. Dr. Anindya Sarkar performed the difficult job of introducing a world famous scientist like Palash Baran Pal to the audience. The vote of thanks was given by Sri Jaharlal Das, the Govt. Nominee, G.B., Bangabasi Morning College. The entire programme was anchored by Miss Aditi Das, Faculty, Dept. of Geography, Bangabasi Morning College.

21st Century Ethics: Status and Dimensions

With the advancements in science and technology the world is experiencing rapid shifts of values. On 6th August, 2014 a seminar was organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the college on 21st Century Ethics: Status and Dimensions. The objective of the seminar was to develop sense of desired values and awaken the sense of responsibility. In the brief inauguration ceremony the importance of values and ethics in education was discussed by the Coordinator of IQAC of the college. The Principal elaborated the Smt. Malabika Bhowmick, Assistant Professor of the Department of Bengali of Bangabasi Morning College presented a talk on Professor Antony Gomes of the Department of Physiology, Calcutta University delivered a scintillating lecture on Toxin Bioterrorism. In his lecture he discussed some of the biological warfare agents (Saxitoxin, botulinum, tetradotoxin, ricin, etc) their origin, actions, antagonism etc. The lecture also focused on the basic tactics to combat bioterrorism. He expressed that there is an urgent need of implementation of awareness strategies against bioterrorism through education at the school college and university level. The talk was very well received by the audience. A book of abstract was published on the occasion.

Seminar on Cyber Crime

On 16th September, 2015 a seminar on Cyber Crime was organized by the IQAC of Bangabasi Morning College. Issues like Cyberbullying, Cyber Pornography, MMS, RAT, Net-Banking fraud were discussed. The main speaker of the event was Cyber Expert Advocate Bivas Chatterjee, Public Prosecutor for Cyber Law and Electronics Evidence for entire West Bengal. Cyber Crime against Women was a major topic of discussion. Advocate Chatterjee reported a number of case studies including Seema Khanna Case and Ritu Kohli Case. Safety tips for protection against cyber crime were given including a detailed discussion on Password Protection and Social Network Site.

The seminar was attended by members of the Governing Body, faculty, support staff and students of all departments in huge numbers. Overwhelming response was found among the audience and the event was a mega success in generating awareness on the contemporary and important issue of crime on the internet.

Seminar on Superstition, Blind faith, Super-Naturalism  and Science.

A  Seminar was organised by IQAC on 8th September, 2016 on Superstition, Blind faith, Super naturalism  and Science. Two eminent speakers from Paschim Banga Vigyan Mancha, Kolkata Distict Committee, Professor Shambhu Nandi, Secretary and Dr. Arunabha Misra, Assistant Secretary,     delivered speeches on the topic with a view to develop scientific attitude and spirit among the audience. The seminar was attended by all teachers and support staff and students. On behalf of the college the Teacher-in-Charge Smt. Shipra Halder, The coordinator of IQAC Dr. Mukul Kumar Mitra and Member of the Governing Body Sri Jahar Lal Das presented their thoughtful views on the theme. After the speeches an awareness campaign and exhibition were held by the members of Paschim Banga Vigyan Mancha against Black Magic. The programme was very much fruitful and attractive as well. Through interactions the speakers were able to generate consciousness on superstitions and supernaturalism among the audience.